
With a background in fine arts, you could say Sophie Nicole West unconventionally fell into makeup artistry. Her love for art started at a very young age while attending a fine arts magnet school. Sophie excelled in any of her classwork that called for visual creativity and it didn't take long before her teachers and classmates began to recognize it and encourage her to utilize her gift. It was in high school when Sophie met Rena Weatherington, the art teacher that would change her life. Mrs. Weatherington's art classes were not your typical high school courses. They were serious and in-depth, much more similar to a college course. During that time, Sophie began to look at color and shape much differently than she ever had before and slowly started experimenting with makeup.

After receiving her B.A in Fashion Merchandising from Brenau University, Sophie was unsure of how she wanted to implement her new degree. She took a job working at a makeup counter at her local department store and established a solid clientele; however, it wasn't aggressive selling techniques that kept her clients coming was her artistry. Within just a few months of working behind the counter, Sophie locally had a buzz about her work. She began working with more and more clients outside of the counter and decided to seriously focus on her gift.

Since then Sophie has worked with a number of clients ranging from bridal services to photoshoots. She is truly blessed to have been able to share her gift with so many and looks forward to one day sharing it with you.

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